
Uwaga: aby zobaczyć zmiany po zapisaniu, może zajść potrzeba wyczyszczenia pamięci podręcznej przeglądarki.

  • Firefox / Safari: Przytrzymaj Shift podczas klikania Odśwież bieżącą stronę, lub naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5 lub Ctrl+R (⌘-R na komputerze Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Naciśnij Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R na komputerze Mac)
  • Internet Explorer: Przytrzymaj Ctrl, jednocześnie klikając Odśwież, lub naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5
  • Opera: Przejdź do Menu → Ustawienia (Opera → Preferencje w Mac), a następnie Prywatność i bezpieczeństwo → Wyczyść dane przeglądania → Opróżnij pamięć podręczną.
// Tekst udostępniany na licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach
// <pre>

 /* Test if an element has a certain class **************************************
  * Description: Uses regular expressions and caching for better performance.
  * Maintainers: [[User:Mike Dillon]], [[User:R. Koot]], [[User:SG]]

 var hasClass = (function () {
     var reCache = {};
     return function (element, className) {
	 return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className);

/** Collapsible tables *********************************************************
  *  Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See
  *	       [[en:Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
  *  Maintainers: [[User:R. Koot]]

var autoCollapse = 2;
var collapseCaption = "ukryj";
var expandCaption = "pokaż";

function collapseTable( tableIndex )
    var Button = document.getElementById( "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
    var Table = document.getElementById( "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );

    if ( !Table || !Button ) {
	return false;

    var Rows = Table.rows;

    if ( == collapseCaption ) {
	for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
	    Rows[i].style.display = "none";
	} = expandCaption;
    } else {
	for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
	    Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display;
	} = collapseCaption;

function createCollapseButtons()
    var tableIndex = 0;
    var NavigationBoxes = new Object();
    var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( "table" );

    for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) {
	if ( hasClass( Tables[i], "collapsible" ) ) {

	    /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */
	    var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( "tr" )[0];
	    if (!HeaderRow) continue;
	    var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( "th" )[0];
	    if (!Header) continue;

	    NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i];
	    Tables[i].setAttribute( "id", "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );

	    var Button     = document.createElement( "span" );
	    var ButtonLink = document.createElement( "a" );
	    var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption ); = "right"; = "right"; = "normal"; = "right"; = "6em"; =;
	    ButtonLink.setAttribute( "id", "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
	    ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" );
	    ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText );

	    Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "[" ) );
	    Button.appendChild( ButtonLink );
	    Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "]" ) );

	    Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] );

    for ( var i = 0;  i < tableIndex; i++ ) {
	if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "collapsed" ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "autocollapse" ) ) ) {
	    collapseTable( i );
	else if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "innercollapse" ) ) {
	    var element = NavigationBoxes[i];
	    while (element = element.parentNode) {
		if ( hasClass( element, "outercollapse" ) ) {
		    collapseTable ( i );

$(document).ready( createCollapseButtons );

/** Dynamic Navigation Bars (experimental) *************************************
 *  Description: See [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
 *  Maintainers: UNMAINTAINED

// set up the words in your language
var NavigationBarHide = '[' + collapseCaption + ']';
var NavigationBarShow = '[' + expandCaption + ']';

// shows and hides content and picture (if available) of navigation bars
// Parameters:
//     indexNavigationBar: the index of navigation bar to be toggled
function toggleNavigationBar(indexNavigationBar)
    var NavToggle = document.getElementById("NavToggle" + indexNavigationBar);
    var NavFrame = document.getElementById("NavFrame" + indexNavigationBar);

    if (!NavFrame || !NavToggle) {
	return false;

    // if shown now
    if ( == NavigationBarHide) {
	for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
	    if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) ) { = 'none';
	    if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent') ) { = 'none';
	} = NavigationBarShow;

    // if hidden now
    } else if ( == NavigationBarShow) {
	for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
	    if (hasClass(NavChild, 'NavPic')) { = 'block';
	    if (hasClass(NavChild, 'NavContent')) { = 'block';
	} = NavigationBarHide;

// adds show/hide-button to navigation bars
function createNavigationBarToggleButton()
    var indexNavigationBar = 0;
    // iterate over all < div >-elements
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
    for (var i = 0; NavFrame = divs[i]; i++) {
	// if found a navigation bar
	if (hasClass(NavFrame, "NavFrame")) {

	    var NavToggle = document.createElement("a");
	    NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle';
	    NavToggle.setAttribute('id', 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar);
	    NavToggle.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:toggleNavigationBar(' + indexNavigationBar + ');');

	    var isCollapsed = hasClass( NavFrame, "collapsed" );
	     * Check if any children are already hidden.  This loop is here for backwards compatibility:
	     * the old way of making NavFrames start out collapsed was to manually add style="display:none"
	     * to all the NavPic/NavContent elements.  Since this was bad for accessibility (no way to make
	     * the content visible without JavaScript support), the new recommended way is to add the class
	     * "collapsed" to the NavFrame itself, just like with collapsible tables.
	    for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null && !isCollapsed; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
		if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
		    if ( == 'none' ) {
			isCollapsed = true;
	    if (isCollapsed) {
		for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
		    if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) { = 'none';
	    var NavToggleText = document.createTextNode(isCollapsed ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide);

	    // Find the NavHead and attach the toggle link (Must be this complicated because Moz's firstChild handling is borked)
	    for(var j=0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++) {
		if (hasClass(NavFrame.childNodes[j], "NavHead")) {
	    NavFrame.setAttribute('id', 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar);

$(document).ready( createNavigationBarToggleButton );

// ukrycie paska narzędzi F11
document.onkeydown = function( e ) {
        if( e == null ) e = event
        if( testKey( e, 122 ) ) { //F11
                appendCSS('#p-logo, .generated-sidebar, #p-lang, #p-tb, #p-search, #p-navigation, #p-Community {display:none;} #p-cactions {left: .1em;} #footer {display:none;}');
                return false;
        else if( testKey( e, 113 ) ) { //F2
        else if( testKey( e, 114 ) ) { //F3
        else if( testKey( e, 115 ) ) { //F4
        else if( testKey( e, 117 ) ) { //F6
        else if( testKey( e, 118 ) ) { //F7

function testKey( e, intKeyCode ) {
        if( window.createPopup )
                return e.keyCode == intKeyCode
                return e.which == intKeyCode
/* Kalkulator
* @autor Kembix
var calc = ['document.getElementById("calcbody")','document.getElementById("calcmental")','document.getElementById("calcwp")'];
if (calc[0] != "") {
if (calc[0] = document.getElementById("calcbody")) {
document.getElementById("calcbody").innerHTML = '<table><tr><td>Poziom:</td> <td><input id="level" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Siła:</td> <td><input id="sila" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Witalność:</td> <td><input id="wit" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Inteligencja:</td> <td><input id="int" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Zręczność:</td> <td><input id="zre" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Minimalna Wartość Ataku:</td> <td><input id="min" maxlength="4" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Maksymalna Wartość Ataku:</td> <td><input id="max" maxlength="4" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Aura Miecza:</td> <td><input id="aura" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Berserk:</td> <td><input id="berserk" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Szarża:</td> <td><input id="szarza" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Trzystronne Cięcie:</td> <td><input id="trzystronne" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Wir Miecza:</td> <td><input id="wir" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr></table><input type="submit" onclick="skill()" value="Pokaż">';

function skill() {
var sila = document.getElementById('sila');
var zre = document.getElementById('zre');
var wit = document.getElementById('wit');
var int = document.getElementById('int');
var level = document.getElementById('level');
var min = document.getElementById('min');
var max = document.getElementById('max');
var aura = document.getElementById('aura');
if((aura.value >= 1 && aura.value <= 20) || aura.value == "M1" || aura.value == "M2" || aura.value == "M3" || aura.value == "M4" || aura.value == "M5" || aura.value == "M6" || aura.value == "M7" || aura.value == "M8" || aura.value == "M9" || aura.value == "M10" || aura.value == "G1" || aura.value == "G2" || aura.value == "G3" || aura.value == "G4" || aura.value == "G5" || aura.value == "G6" || aura.value == "G7" || aura.value == "G8" || aura.value == "G9" || aura.value == "G10" || aura.value == "P" ) {
if (aura.value == "1") {
var AuraPoint = 0.05;
else if (aura.value == "2") {
var AuraPoint = 0.06;
else if (aura.value == "3") {
var AuraPoint = 0.08;
else if (aura.value == "4") {
var AuraPoint = 0.1;
else if (aura.value == "5") {
var AuraPoint = 0.12;
else if (aura.value == "6") {
var AuraPoint = 0.14;
else if (aura.value == "7") {
var AuraPoint = 0.16;
else if (aura.value == "8") {
var AuraPoint = 0.18;
else if (aura.value == "9") {
var AuraPoint = 0.2;
else if (aura.value == "10") {
var AuraPoint = 0.22;
else if (aura.value == "11") {
var AuraPoint = 0.24;
else if (aura.value == "12") {
var AuraPoint = 0.26;
else if (aura.value == "13") {
var AuraPoint = 0.28;
else if (aura.value == "14") {
var AuraPoint = 0.3;
else if (aura.value == "15") {
var AuraPoint = 0.32;
else if (aura.value == "16") {
var AuraPoint = 0.34;
else if (aura.value == "17") {
var AuraPoint = 0.36;
else if (aura.value == "18") {
var AuraPoint = 0.38;
else if (aura.value == "19") {
var AuraPoint = 0.4;
else if (aura.value == "20") {
var AuraPoint = 0.5;
else if (aura.value == "M1") {
var AuraPoint = 0.5;
else if (aura.value == "M2") {
var AuraPoint = 0.52;
else if (aura.value == "M3") {
var AuraPoint = 0.54;
else if (aura.value == "M4") {
var AuraPoint = 0.56;
else if (aura.value == "M5") {
var AuraPoint = 0.58;
else if (aura.value == "M6") {
var AuraPoint = 0.6;
else if (aura.value == "M7") {
var AuraPoint = 0.63;
else if (aura.value == "M8") {
var AuraPoint = 0.66;
else if (aura.value == "M9") {
var AuraPoint = 0.69;
else if (aura.value == "M10") {
var AuraPoint = 0.72;
else if (aura.value == "G1") {
var AuraPoint = 0.82;
else if (aura.value == "G2") {
var AuraPoint = 0.85;
else if (aura.value == "G3") {
var AuraPoint = 0.88;
else if (aura.value == "G4") {
var AuraPoint = 0.91;
else if (aura.value == "G5") {
var AuraPoint = 0.94;
else if (aura.value == "G6") {
var AuraPoint = 0.98;
else if (aura.value == "G7") {
var AuraPoint = 1.02;
else if (aura.value == "G8") {
var AuraPoint = 1.06;
else if (aura.value == "G9") {
var AuraPoint = 1.1;
else if (aura.value == "G10") {
var AuraPoint = 1.15;
else if (aura.value == "P") {
var AuraPoint = 1.25;
var AuraWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Aura Miecza</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: +' + Math.floor(( parseInt(sila.value) + 100 + parseInt(level.value * 3)) * parseFloat(AuraPoint)) + '</td><td>' + Math.floor(30 +(50 * AuraPoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(33 +(50 * AuraPoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(100+(200 * AuraPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var AuraWynik = "<tr><td>Aura Miecza</td><td>Siła Ataku: +?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var berserk = document.getElementById('berserk');
if((berserk.value >= 1 && berserk.value <= 20) || berserk.value == "M1" || berserk.value == "M2" || berserk.value == "M3" || berserk.value == "M4" || berserk.value == "M5" || berserk.value == "M6" || berserk.value == "M7" || berserk.value == "M8" || berserk.value == "M9" || berserk.value == "M10" || berserk.value == "G1" || berserk.value == "G2" || berserk.value == "G3" || berserk.value == "G4" || berserk.value == "G5" || berserk.value == "G6" || berserk.value == "G7" || berserk.value == "G8" || berserk.value == "G9" || berserk.value == "G10" || berserk.value == "P" ) {
if (berserk.value == "1") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.05;
else if (berserk.value == "2") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.06;
else if (berserk.value == "3") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.08;
else if (berserk.value == "4") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.1;
else if (berserk.value == "5") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.12;
else if (berserk.value == "6") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.14;
else if (berserk.value == "7") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.16;
else if (berserk.value == "8") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.18;
else if (berserk.value == "9") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.2;
else if (berserk.value == "10") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.22;
else if (berserk.value == "11") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.24;
else if (berserk.value == "12") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.26;
else if (berserk.value == "13") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.28;
else if (berserk.value == "14") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.3;
else if (berserk.value == "15") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.32;
else if (berserk.value == "16") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.34;
else if (berserk.value == "17") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.36;
else if (berserk.value == "18") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.38;
else if (berserk.value == "19") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.4;
else if (berserk.value == "20") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.5;
else if (berserk.value == "M1") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.5;
else if (berserk.value == "M2") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.52;
else if (berserk.value == "M3") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.54;
else if (berserk.value == "M4") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.56;
else if (berserk.value == "M5") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.58;
else if (berserk.value == "M6") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.6;
else if (berserk.value == "M7") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.63;
else if (berserk.value == "M8") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.66;
else if (berserk.value == "M9") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.69;
else if (berserk.value == "M10") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.72;
else if (berserk.value == "G1") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.82;
else if (berserk.value == "G2") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.85;
else if (berserk.value == "G3") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.88;
else if (berserk.value == "G4") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.91;
else if (berserk.value == "G5") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.94;
else if (berserk.value == "G6") {
var BerserkPoint = 0.98;
else if (berserk.value == "G7") {
var BerserkPoint = 1.02;
else if (berserk.value == "G8") {
var BerserkPoint = 1.06;
else if (berserk.value == "G9") {
var BerserkPoint = 1.1;
else if (berserk.value == "G10") {
var BerserkPoint = 1.15;
else if (berserk.value == "P") {
var BerserkPoint = 1.25;
var BerserkWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Berserk</a></td><td>Szybkość ataku: +' + Math.floor(50 * BerserkPoint) + '%<br>Prędkość ruchu: +' + Math.floor(20 * BerserkPoint) + '%</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (90 * BerserkPoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(63 + (90 * BerserkPoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(50 + (140 * BerserkPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var BerserkWynik = "<tr><td>Berserk</td><td>Szybkość ataku: +?<br>Prędkość ruchu: +?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var szarza = document.getElementById('szarza');
if((szarza.value >= 1 && szarza.value <= 20) || szarza.value == "M1" || szarza.value == "M2" || szarza.value == "M3" || szarza.value == "M4" || szarza.value == "M5" || szarza.value == "M6" || szarza.value == "M7" || szarza.value == "M8" || szarza.value == "M9" || szarza.value == "M10" || szarza.value == "G1" || szarza.value == "G2" || szarza.value == "G3" || szarza.value == "G4" || szarza.value == "G5" || szarza.value == "G6" || szarza.value == "G7" || szarza.value == "G8" || szarza.value == "G9" || szarza.value == "G10" || szarza.value == "P" ) {
if (szarza.value == "1") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.05;
else if (szarza.value == "2") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.06;
else if (szarza.value == "3") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.08;
else if (szarza.value == "4") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.1;
else if (szarza.value == "5") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.12;
else if (szarza.value == "6") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.14;
else if (szarza.value == "7") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.16;
else if (szarza.value == "8") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.18;
else if (szarza.value == "9") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.2;
else if (szarza.value == "10") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.22;
else if (szarza.value == "11") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.24;
else if (szarza.value == "12") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.26;
else if (szarza.value == "13") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.28;
else if (szarza.value == "14") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.3;
else if (szarza.value == "15") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.32;
else if (szarza.value == "16") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.34;
else if (szarza.value == "17") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.36;
else if (szarza.value == "18") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.38;
else if (szarza.value == "19") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.4;
else if (szarza.value == "20") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.5;
else if (szarza.value == "M1") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.5;
else if (szarza.value == "M2") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.52;
else if (szarza.value == "M3") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.54;
else if (szarza.value == "M4") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.56;
else if (szarza.value == "M5") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.58;
else if (szarza.value == "M6") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.6;
else if (szarza.value == "M7") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.63;
else if (szarza.value == "M8") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.66;
else if (szarza.value == "M9") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.69;
else if (szarza.value == "M10") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.72;
else if (szarza.value == "G1") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.82;
else if (szarza.value == "G2") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.85;
else if (szarza.value == "G3") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.88;
else if (szarza.value == "G4") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.91;
else if (szarza.value == "G5") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.94;
else if (szarza.value == "G6") {
var SzarzaPoint = 0.98;
else if (szarza.value == "G7") {
var SzarzaPoint = 1.02;
else if (szarza.value == "G8") {
var SzarzaPoint = 1.06;
else if (szarza.value == "G9") {
var SzarzaPoint = 1.1;
else if (szarza.value == "G10") {
var SzarzaPoint = 1.15;
else if (szarza.value == "P") {
var SzarzaPoint = 1.25;
var SzarzaWynik = '<tr><td><a href="ża">Szarża</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2 * parseInt(min.value) +(parseInt(min.value) + (3 * parseInt(zre.value) + (7 * parseInt(sila.value)) + parseInt(wit.value)) * SzarzaPoint)) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2 * parseInt(max.value) +(parseInt(max.value) + (3 * parseInt(zre.value) + (7 * parseInt(sila.value)) + parseInt(wit.value)) * SzarzaPoint)) + '</td><td>-</td><td>12s</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (120 * SzarzaPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var SzarzaWynik = "<tr><td>Szarza</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var trzystronne = document.getElementById('trzystronne');
if((trzystronne.value >= 1 && trzystronne.value <= 20) || trzystronne.value == "M1" || trzystronne.value == "M2" || trzystronne.value == "M3" || trzystronne.value == "M4" || trzystronne.value == "M5" || trzystronne.value == "M6" || trzystronne.value == "M7" || trzystronne.value == "M8" || trzystronne.value == "M9" || trzystronne.value == "M10" || trzystronne.value == "G1" || trzystronne.value == "G2" || trzystronne.value == "G3" || trzystronne.value == "G4" || trzystronne.value == "G5" || trzystronne.value == "G6" || trzystronne.value == "G7" || trzystronne.value == "G8" || trzystronne.value == "G9" || trzystronne.value == "G10" || trzystronne.value == "P" ) {
if (trzystronne.value == "1") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.05;
else if (trzystronne.value == "2") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.06;
else if (trzystronne.value == "3") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.08;
else if (trzystronne.value == "4") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.1;
else if (trzystronne.value == "5") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.12;
else if (trzystronne.value == "6") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.14;
else if (trzystronne.value == "7") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.16;
else if (trzystronne.value == "8") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.18;
else if (trzystronne.value == "9") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.2;
else if (trzystronne.value == "10") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.22;
else if (trzystronne.value == "11") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.24;
else if (trzystronne.value == "12") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.26;
else if (trzystronne.value == "13") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.28;
else if (trzystronne.value == "14") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.3;
else if (trzystronne.value == "15") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.32;
else if (trzystronne.value == "16") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.34;
else if (trzystronne.value == "17") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.36;
else if (trzystronne.value == "18") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.38;
else if (trzystronne.value == "19") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.4;
else if (trzystronne.value == "20") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.5;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M1") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.5;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M2") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.52;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M3") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.54;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M4") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.56;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M5") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.58;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M6") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.6;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M7") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.63;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M8") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.66;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M9") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.69;
else if (trzystronne.value == "M10") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.72;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G1") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.82;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G2") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.85;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G3") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.88;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G4") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.91;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G5") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.94;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G6") {
var trzystronnePoint = 0.98;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G7") {
var trzystronnePoint = 1.02;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G8") {
var trzystronnePoint = 1.06;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G9") {
var trzystronnePoint = 1.1;
else if (trzystronne.value == "G10") {
var trzystronnePoint = 1.15;
else if (trzystronne.value == "P") {
var trzystronnePoint = 1.25;
var trzystronneWynik = '<tr><td><a href="ęcie">Trzystronne Cięcie</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor((1.1 * parseInt(min.value) + (0.1 * parseInt(min.value) + 1.5 * parseInt(sila.value)) * trzystronnePoint) * 3) + ' - ' + Math.floor((1.1 * parseInt(max.value) + (0.1 * parseInt(max.value) + 1.5 * parseInt(sila.value)) * trzystronnePoint) * 3) + '</td><td>-</td><td>12s</td><td>' + Math.floor(40 + (100 * trzystronnePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var trzystronneWynik = "<tr><td>Trzystronne Cięcie</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var wir = document.getElementById('wir');
if((wir.value >= 1 && wir.value <= 20) || wir.value == "M1" || wir.value == "M2" || wir.value == "M3" || wir.value == "M4" || wir.value == "M5" || wir.value == "M6" || wir.value == "M7" || wir.value == "M8" || wir.value == "M9" || wir.value == "M10" || wir.value == "G1" || wir.value == "G2" || wir.value == "G3" || wir.value == "G4" || wir.value == "G5" || wir.value == "G6" || wir.value == "G7" || wir.value == "G8" || wir.value == "G9" || wir.value == "G10" || wir.value == "P" ) {
if (wir.value == "1") {
var wirPoint = 0.05;
else if (wir.value == "2") {
var wirPoint = 0.06;
else if (wir.value == "3") {
var wirPoint = 0.08;
else if (wir.value == "4") {
var wirPoint = 0.1;
else if (wir.value == "5") {
var wirPoint = 0.12;
else if (wir.value == "6") {
var wirPoint = 0.14;
else if (wir.value == "7") {
var wirPoint = 0.16;
else if (wir.value == "8") {
var wirPoint = 0.18;
else if (wir.value == "9") {
var wirPoint = 0.2;
else if (wir.value == "10") {
var wirPoint = 0.22;
else if (wir.value == "11") {
var wirPoint = 0.24;
else if (wir.value == "12") {
var wirPoint = 0.26;
else if (wir.value == "13") {
var wirPoint = 0.28;
else if (wir.value == "14") {
var wirPoint = 0.3;
else if (wir.value == "15") {
var wirPoint = 0.32;
else if (wir.value == "16") {
var wirPoint = 0.34;
else if (wir.value == "17") {
var wirPoint = 0.36;
else if (wir.value == "18") {
var wirPoint = 0.38;
else if (wir.value == "19") {
var wirPoint = 0.4;
else if (wir.value == "20") {
var wirPoint = 0.5;
else if (wir.value == "M1") {
var wirPoint = 0.5;
else if (wir.value == "M2") {
var wirPoint = 0.52;
else if (wir.value == "M3") {
var wirPoint = 0.54;
else if (wir.value == "M4") {
var wirPoint = 0.56;
else if (wir.value == "M5") {
var wirPoint = 0.58;
else if (wir.value == "M6") {
var wirPoint = 0.6;
else if (wir.value == "M7") {
var wirPoint = 0.63;
else if (wir.value == "M8") {
var wirPoint = 0.66;
else if (wir.value == "M9") {
var wirPoint = 0.69;
else if (wir.value == "M10") {
var wirPoint = 0.72;
else if (wir.value == "G1") {
var wirPoint = 0.82;
else if (wir.value == "G2") {
var wirPoint = 0.85;
else if (wir.value == "G3") {
var wirPoint = 0.88;
else if (wir.value == "G4") {
var wirPoint = 0.91;
else if (wir.value == "G5") {
var wirPoint = 0.94;
else if (wir.value == "G6") {
var wirPoint = 0.98;
else if (wir.value == "G7") {
var wirPoint = 1.02;
else if (wir.value == "G8") {
var wirPoint = 1.06;
else if (wir.value == "G9") {
var wirPoint = 1.1;
else if (wir.value == "G10") {
var wirPoint = 1.15;
else if (wir.value == "P") {
var wirPoint = 1.25;
var wirWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Wir Miecza</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(3 * parseInt(min.value) + (0.8 * parseInt(min.value) + 6 * parseInt(sila.value) + 2 * parseInt(zre.value) + parseInt(wit.value)) * wirPoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(3 * parseInt(max.value) + (0.8 * parseInt(max.value) + 6 * parseInt(sila.value) + 2 * parseInt(zre.value) + parseInt(wit.value)) * wirPoint) + '</td><td>-</td><td>15s</td><td>' + Math.floor(50 + (130 * wirPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var wirWynik = "<tr><td>Wir Miecza</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var uwaga = "<br><br><b>Uwaga! Podane wartości mogą się różnić od wartości podanych w grze</b>";
if(level.value != "" && min.value != "" && max.value != "" && sila.value != "" && wit.value != "" && zre.value != "")
		document.getElementById("skillbody").innerHTML ='<table border="1"><tr><td>Nazwa</td><td>Efekt</td><td>Czas Trwania</td><td>Czas Ładowania</td><td>Koszt PE</td></tr>' + AuraWynik + BerserkWynik + SzarzaWynik + trzystronneWynik + wirWynik + '</table>' + uwaga
		document.getElementById("skillbody").innerHTML ="Aura Miecza: ?<br>Berserk: ?<br>Szarża: ?<br>Trzystronne Cięcie: ?<br>Wir Miecza: ?" + uwaga	
else if(calc[1] = document.getElementById("calcmental")) {
document.getElementById("calcmental").innerHTML = '<table><tr><td>Poziom:</td> <td><input id="level" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Siła:</td> <td><input id="sila" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Witalność:</td> <td><input id="wit" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Inteligencja:</td> <td><input id="int" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Zręczność:</td> <td><input id="zre" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Minimalna Wartość Ataku:</td> <td><input id="min" maxlength="4" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Maksymalna Wartość Ataku:</td> <td><input id="max" maxlength="4" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Duchowe Uderzenie:</td> <td><input id="duchowe" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Silne Ciało:</td> <td><input id="silne" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Tąpnięcie:</td> <td><input id="tapniecie" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Uderzenie Miecza:</td> <td><input id="uderzenie" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Walnięcie:</td> <td><input id="walniecie" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr></table><input type="submit" onclick="skillm()" value="Pokaż">';

function skillm() {
var sila = document.getElementById('sila');
var zre = document.getElementById('zre');
var wit = document.getElementById('wit');
var int = document.getElementById('int');
var level = document.getElementById('level');
var min = document.getElementById('min');
var max = document.getElementById('max');
var duchowe = document.getElementById('duchowe');
if((duchowe.value >= 1 && duchowe.value <= 20) || duchowe.value == "M1" || duchowe.value == "M2" || duchowe.value == "M3" || duchowe.value == "M4" || duchowe.value == "M5" || duchowe.value == "M6" || duchowe.value == "M7" || duchowe.value == "M8" || duchowe.value == "M9" || duchowe.value == "M10" || duchowe.value == "G1" || duchowe.value == "G2" || duchowe.value == "G3" || duchowe.value == "G4" || duchowe.value == "G5" || duchowe.value == "G6" || duchowe.value == "G7" || duchowe.value == "G8" || duchowe.value == "G9" || duchowe.value == "G10" || duchowe.value == "P" ) {
if (duchowe.value == "1") {
var duchowePoint = 0.05;
else if (duchowe.value == "2") {
var duchowePoint = 0.06;
else if (duchowe.value == "3") {
var duchowePoint = 0.08;
else if (duchowe.value == "4") {
var duchowePoint = 0.1;
else if (duchowe.value == "5") {
var duchowePoint = 0.12;
else if (duchowe.value == "6") {
var duchowePoint = 0.14;
else if (duchowe.value == "7") {
var duchowePoint = 0.16;
else if (duchowe.value == "8") {
var duchowePoint = 0.18;
else if (duchowe.value == "9") {
var duchowePoint = 0.2;
else if (duchowe.value == "10") {
var duchowePoint = 0.22;
else if (duchowe.value == "11") {
var duchowePoint = 0.24;
else if (duchowe.value == "12") {
var duchowePoint = 0.26;
else if (duchowe.value == "13") {
var duchowePoint = 0.28;
else if (duchowe.value == "14") {
var duchowePoint = 0.3;
else if (duchowe.value == "15") {
var duchowePoint = 0.32;
else if (duchowe.value == "16") {
var duchowePoint = 0.34;
else if (duchowe.value == "17") {
var duchowePoint = 0.36;
else if (duchowe.value == "18") {
var duchowePoint = 0.38;
else if (duchowe.value == "19") {
var duchowePoint = 0.4;
else if (duchowe.value == "20") {
var duchowePoint = 0.5;
else if (duchowe.value == "M1") {
var duchowePoint = 0.5;
else if (duchowe.value == "M2") {
var duchowePoint = 0.52;
else if (duchowe.value == "M3") {
var duchowePoint = 0.54;
else if (duchowe.value == "M4") {
var duchowePoint = 0.56;
else if (duchowe.value == "M5") {
var duchowePoint = 0.58;
else if (duchowe.value == "M6") {
var duchowePoint = 0.6;
else if (duchowe.value == "M7") {
var duchowePoint = 0.63;
else if (duchowe.value == "M8") {
var duchowePoint = 0.66;
else if (duchowe.value == "M9") {
var duchowePoint = 0.69;
else if (duchowe.value == "M10") {
var duchowePoint = 0.72;
else if (duchowe.value == "G1") {
var duchowePoint = 0.82;
else if (duchowe.value == "G2") {
var duchowePoint = 0.85;
else if (duchowe.value == "G3") {
var duchowePoint = 0.88;
else if (duchowe.value == "G4") {
var duchowePoint = 0.91;
else if (duchowe.value == "G5") {
var duchowePoint = 0.94;
else if (duchowe.value == "G6") {
var duchowePoint = 0.98;
else if (duchowe.value == "G7") {
var duchowePoint = 1.02;
else if (duchowe.value == "G8") {
var duchowePoint = 1.06;
else if (duchowe.value == "G9") {
var duchowePoint = 1.1;
else if (duchowe.value == "G10") {
var duchowePoint = 1.15;
else if (duchowe.value == "P") {
var duchowePoint = 1.25;
var duchoweWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Duchowe Uderzenie</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2.3 * parseInt(min.value) +(parseInt(min.value)*4 + 4 * parseInt(sila.value) + parseInt(wit.value)) * duchowePoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2.3 * parseInt(max.value) +(parseInt(max.value)*4 + 4 * parseInt(sila.value) + parseInt(wit.value)) * duchowePoint) + '</td><td>-</td><td>15s</td><td>' + Math.floor(60+(120 * duchowePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var duchoweWynik = "<tr><td>Duchowe Uderzenie</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var silne = document.getElementById('silne');
if((silne.value >= 1 && silne.value <= 20) || silne.value == "M1" || silne.value == "M2" || silne.value == "M3" || silne.value == "M4" || silne.value == "M5" || silne.value == "M6" || silne.value == "M7" || silne.value == "M8" || silne.value == "M9" || silne.value == "M10" || silne.value == "G1" || silne.value == "G2" || silne.value == "G3" || silne.value == "G4" || silne.value == "G5" || silne.value == "G6" || silne.value == "G7" || silne.value == "G8" || silne.value == "G9" || silne.value == "G10" || silne.value == "P" ) {
if (silne.value == "1") {
var silnePoint = 0.05;
else if (silne.value == "2") {
var silnePoint = 0.06;
else if (silne.value == "3") {
var silnePoint = 0.08;
else if (silne.value == "4") {
var silnePoint = 0.1;
else if (silne.value == "5") {
var silnePoint = 0.12;
else if (silne.value == "6") {
var silnePoint = 0.14;
else if (silne.value == "7") {
var silnePoint = 0.16;
else if (silne.value == "8") {
var silnePoint = 0.18;
else if (silne.value == "9") {
var silnePoint = 0.2;
else if (silne.value == "10") {
var silnePoint = 0.22;
else if (silne.value == "11") {
var silnePoint = 0.24;
else if (silne.value == "12") {
var silnePoint = 0.26;
else if (silne.value == "13") {
var silnePoint = 0.28;
else if (silne.value == "14") {
var silnePoint = 0.3;
else if (silne.value == "15") {
var silnePoint = 0.32;
else if (silne.value == "16") {
var silnePoint = 0.34;
else if (silne.value == "17") {
var silnePoint = 0.36;
else if (silne.value == "18") {
var silnePoint = 0.38;
else if (silne.value == "19") {
var silnePoint = 0.4;
else if (silne.value == "20") {
var silnePoint = 0.5;
else if (silne.value == "M1") {
var silnePoint = 0.5;
else if (silne.value == "M2") {
var silnePoint = 0.52;
else if (silne.value == "M3") {
var silnePoint = 0.54;
else if (silne.value == "M4") {
var silnePoint = 0.56;
else if (silne.value == "M5") {
var silnePoint = 0.58;
else if (silne.value == "M6") {
var silnePoint = 0.6;
else if (silne.value == "M7") {
var silnePoint = 0.63;
else if (silne.value == "M8") {
var silnePoint = 0.66;
else if (silne.value == "M9") {
var silnePoint = 0.69;
else if (silne.value == "M10") {
var silnePoint = 0.72;
else if (silne.value == "G1") {
var silnePoint = 0.82;
else if (silne.value == "G2") {
var silnePoint = 0.85;
else if (silne.value == "G3") {
var silnePoint = 0.88;
else if (silne.value == "G4") {
var silnePoint = 0.91;
else if (silne.value == "G5") {
var silnePoint = 0.94;
else if (silne.value == "G6") {
var silnePoint = 0.98;
else if (silne.value == "G7") {
var silnePoint = 1.02;
else if (silne.value == "G8") {
var silnePoint = 1.06;
else if (silne.value == "G9") {
var silnePoint = 1.1;
else if (silne.value == "G10") {
var silnePoint = 1.15;
else if (silne.value == "P") {
var silnePoint = 1.25;
var silneWynik = '<tr><td><a href="ło">Silne Ciało</a></td><td>Obrona: +' + Math.floor((200 + parseInt(sila.value) * 0.2 + parseInt(wit.value) * 0.5  ) * silnePoint) + '<br>Prędkość ruchu: -' + Math.floor(1 + 9 * silnePoint) + '</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (90 * silnePoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(63 + (90 * silnePoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(80 + (220 * silnePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var silneWynik = "<tr><td>Silne Ciało</td><td>Obrona: +?<br>Prędkość ruchu: +?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var tapniecie = document.getElementById('tapniecie');
if((tapniecie.value >= 1 && tapniecie.value <= 20) || tapniecie.value == "M1" || tapniecie.value == "M2" || tapniecie.value == "M3" || tapniecie.value == "M4" || tapniecie.value == "M5" || tapniecie.value == "M6" || tapniecie.value == "M7" || tapniecie.value == "M8" || tapniecie.value == "M9" || tapniecie.value == "M10" || tapniecie.value == "G1" || tapniecie.value == "G2" || tapniecie.value == "G3" || tapniecie.value == "G4" || tapniecie.value == "G5" || tapniecie.value == "G6" || tapniecie.value == "G7" || tapniecie.value == "G8" || tapniecie.value == "G9" || tapniecie.value == "G10" || tapniecie.value == "P" ) {
if (tapniecie.value == "1") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.05;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.06;
else if (tapniecie.value == "3") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.08;
else if (tapniecie.value == "4") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.1;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.12;
else if (tapniecie.value == "6") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.14;
else if (tapniecie.value == "7") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.16;
else if (tapniecie.value == "8") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.18;
else if (tapniecie.value == "9") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.2;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.22;
else if (tapniecie.value == "11") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.24;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.26;
else if (tapniecie.value == "13") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.28;
else if (tapniecie.value == "14") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.3;
else if (tapniecie.value == "15") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.32;
else if (tapniecie.value == "16") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.34;
else if (tapniecie.value == "17") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.36;
else if (tapniecie.value == "18") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.38;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.4;
else if (tapniecie.value == "20") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.5;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.5;
else if (tapniecie.value == "M2") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.52;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.54;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.56;
else if (tapniecie.value == "M5") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.58;
else if (tapniecie.value == "M6") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.6;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.63;
else if (tapniecie.value == "M8") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.66;
else if (tapniecie.value == "M9") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.69;
else if (tapniecie.value == "M10") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.72;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G1") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.82;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G2") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.85;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G3") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.88;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.91;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G5") {
var tapnieciePoint = 0.94;
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var tapnieciePoint = 0.98;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G7") {
var tapnieciePoint = 1.02;
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var tapnieciePoint = 1.06;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G9") {
var tapnieciePoint = 1.1;
else if (tapniecie.value == "G10") {
var tapnieciePoint = 1.15;
else if (tapniecie.value == "P") {
var tapnieciePoint = 1.25;
var tapniecieWynik = '<tr><td><a href="ąpnięcie">Tąpnięcie</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(min.value) + (2*parseInt(min.value) + 2*parseInt(zre.value) + 2*parseInt(wit.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value))*tapnieciePoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(max.value) + (2*parseInt(max.value) + 2*parseInt(zre.value) + 2*parseInt(wit.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value))*tapnieciePoint) + '<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ' + Math.floor((100 + 1000 * tapnieciePoint/6)/10) + '%</td><td>-</td><td>25s</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (140 * tapnieciePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var tapniecieWynik = "<tr><td>Tąpnięcie</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var uderzenie = document.getElementById('uderzenie');
if((uderzenie.value >= 1 && uderzenie.value <= 20) || uderzenie.value == "M1" || uderzenie.value == "M2" || uderzenie.value == "M3" || uderzenie.value == "M4" || uderzenie.value == "M5" || uderzenie.value == "M6" || uderzenie.value == "M7" || uderzenie.value == "M8" || uderzenie.value == "M9" || uderzenie.value == "M10" || uderzenie.value == "G1" || uderzenie.value == "G2" || uderzenie.value == "G3" || uderzenie.value == "G4" || uderzenie.value == "G5" || uderzenie.value == "G6" || uderzenie.value == "G7" || uderzenie.value == "G8" || uderzenie.value == "G9" || uderzenie.value == "G10" || uderzenie.value == "P" ) {
if (uderzenie.value == "1") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.05;
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var uderzeniePoint = 0.06;
else if (uderzenie.value == "3") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.08;
else if (uderzenie.value == "4") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.1;
else if (uderzenie.value == "5") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.12;
else if (uderzenie.value == "6") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.14;
else if (uderzenie.value == "7") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.16;
else if (uderzenie.value == "8") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.18;
else if (uderzenie.value == "9") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.2;
else if (uderzenie.value == "10") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.22;
else if (uderzenie.value == "11") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.24;
else if (uderzenie.value == "12") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.26;
else if (uderzenie.value == "13") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.28;
else if (uderzenie.value == "14") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.3;
else if (uderzenie.value == "15") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.32;
else if (uderzenie.value == "16") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.34;
else if (uderzenie.value == "17") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.36;
else if (uderzenie.value == "18") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.38;
else if (uderzenie.value == "19") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.4;
else if (uderzenie.value == "20") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.5;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M1") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.5;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M2") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.52;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M3") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.54;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M4") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.56;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M5") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.58;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M6") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.6;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M7") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.63;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M8") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.66;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M9") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.69;
else if (uderzenie.value == "M10") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.72;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G1") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.82;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G2") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.85;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G3") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.88;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G4") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.91;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G5") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.94;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G6") {
var uderzeniePoint = 0.98;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G7") {
var uderzeniePoint = 1.02;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G8") {
var uderzeniePoint = 1.06;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G9") {
var uderzeniePoint = 1.1;
else if (uderzenie.value == "G10") {
var uderzeniePoint = 1.15;
else if (uderzenie.value == "P") {
var uderzeniePoint = 1.25;
var uderzenieWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Uderzenie Miecza</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(min.value) + (parseInt(min.value) + parseInt(zre.value)*3 + parseInt(sila.value)*5 + parseInt(wit.value))*uderzeniePoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(max.value) + (parseInt(max.value) + parseInt(zre.value)*3 + parseInt(sila.value)*5 + parseInt(wit.value))*uderzeniePoint) + '<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ' + Math.floor((100+uderzeniePoint*1000/6)/10) + '%</td><td>-</td><td>20s</td><td>' + Math.floor(40 + (120 * uderzeniePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var uderzenieWynik = "<tr><td>Uderzenie Miecza</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var walniecie = document.getElementById('walniecie');
if((walniecie.value >= 1 && walniecie.value <= 20) || walniecie.value == "M1" || walniecie.value == "M2" || walniecie.value == "M3" || walniecie.value == "M4" || walniecie.value == "M5" || walniecie.value == "M6" || walniecie.value == "M7" || walniecie.value == "M8" || walniecie.value == "M9" || walniecie.value == "M10" || walniecie.value == "G1" || walniecie.value == "G2" || walniecie.value == "G3" || walniecie.value == "G4" || walniecie.value == "G5" || walniecie.value == "G6" || walniecie.value == "G7" || walniecie.value == "G8" || walniecie.value == "G9" || walniecie.value == "G10" || walniecie.value == "P" ) {
if (walniecie.value == "1") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.05;
else if (walniecie.value == "2") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.06;
else if (walniecie.value == "3") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.08;
else if (walniecie.value == "4") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.1;
else if (walniecie.value == "5") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.12;
else if (walniecie.value == "6") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.14;
else if (walniecie.value == "7") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.16;
else if (walniecie.value == "8") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.18;
else if (walniecie.value == "9") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.2;
else if (walniecie.value == "10") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.22;
else if (walniecie.value == "11") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.24;
else if (walniecie.value == "12") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.26;
else if (walniecie.value == "13") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.28;
else if (walniecie.value == "14") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.3;
else if (walniecie.value == "15") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.32;
else if (walniecie.value == "16") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.34;
else if (walniecie.value == "17") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.36;
else if (walniecie.value == "18") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.38;
else if (walniecie.value == "19") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.4;
else if (walniecie.value == "20") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.5;
else if (walniecie.value == "M1") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.5;
else if (walniecie.value == "M2") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.52;
else if (walniecie.value == "M3") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.54;
else if (walniecie.value == "M4") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.56;
else if (walniecie.value == "M5") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.58;
else if (walniecie.value == "M6") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.6;
else if (walniecie.value == "M7") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.63;
else if (walniecie.value == "M8") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.66;
else if (walniecie.value == "M9") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.69;
else if (walniecie.value == "M10") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.72;
else if (walniecie.value == "G1") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.82;
else if (walniecie.value == "G2") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.85;
else if (walniecie.value == "G3") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.88;
else if (walniecie.value == "G4") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.91;
else if (walniecie.value == "G5") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.94;
else if (walniecie.value == "G6") {
var walnieciePoint = 0.98;
else if (walniecie.value == "G7") {
var walnieciePoint = 1.02;
else if (walniecie.value == "G8") {
var walnieciePoint = 1.06;
else if (walniecie.value == "G9") {
var walnieciePoint = 1.1;
else if (walniecie.value == "G10") {
var walnieciePoint = 1.15;
else if (walniecie.value == "P") {
var walnieciePoint = 1.25;
var walniecieWynik = '<tr><td><a href="ęcie">Walnięcie</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2.3*parseInt(min.value) + (3*parseInt(min.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value) + 3*parseInt(wit.value))*walnieciePoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2.3*parseInt(max.value) + (3*parseInt(max.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value) + 3*parseInt(wit.value))*walnieciePoint) + '</td><td>-</td><td>15s</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (150 * walnieciePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var walniecieWynik = "<tr><td>Walnięcie</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var uwaga = "<br><br><b>Uwaga! Podane wartości mogą się różnić od wartości podanych w grze</b>";
if(level.value != "" && min.value != "" && max.value != "" && sila.value != "" && wit.value != "" && zre.value != "")
		document.getElementById("skillmental").innerHTML ='<table border="1"><tr><td>Nazwa</td><td>Efekt</td><td>Czas Trwania</td><td>Czas Ładowania</td><td>Koszt PE</td></tr>' + duchoweWynik + silneWynik + tapniecieWynik + uderzenieWynik + walniecieWynik + '</table>' + uwaga
		document.getElementById("skillmental").innerHTML ="Duchowe Uderzenie: ?<br>Silne Ciało: ?<br>Tąpniecie: ?<br>Uderzenie Miecza: ?<br>Walnięcie: ?" + uwaga	
else if(calc[2] = document.getElementById("calcwp")) {
document.getElementById("calcwp").innerHTML = '<table><tr><td>Poziom:</td> <td><input id="level" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Siła:</td> <td><input id="sila" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Witalność:</td> <td><input id="wit" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Inteligencja:</td> <td><input id="int" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Zręczność:</td> <td><input id="zre" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Minimalna Wartość Ataku:</td> <td><input id="min" maxlength="4" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Maksymalna Wartość Ataku:</td> <td><input id="max" maxlength="4" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Czarowane Ostrze:</td> <td><input id="ostrze" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Czarowana Zbroja:</td> <td><input id="zbroja" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Rozproszenie Magii:</td> <td><input id="rozproszenie" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Smoczy Wir:</td> <td><input id="smoczy" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Strach:</td> <td><input id="strach" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr><tr><td>Uderzenie Palcem:</td> <td><input id="palec" maxlength="3" size="4" type="text"></td></tr></table><input type="submit" onclick="skillwp()" value="Pokaż">';

function skillwp() {
var sila = document.getElementById('sila');
var zre = document.getElementById('zre');
var wit = document.getElementById('wit');
var int = document.getElementById('int');
var level = document.getElementById('level');
var min = document.getElementById('min');
var max = document.getElementById('max');
var ostrze = document.getElementById('ostrze');
if((ostrze.value >= 1 && ostrze.value <= 20) || ostrze.value == "M1" || ostrze.value == "M2" || ostrze.value == "M3" || ostrze.value == "M4" || ostrze.value == "M5" || ostrze.value == "M6" || ostrze.value == "M7" || ostrze.value == "M8" || ostrze.value == "M9" || ostrze.value == "M10" || ostrze.value == "G1" || ostrze.value == "G2" || ostrze.value == "G3" || ostrze.value == "G4" || ostrze.value == "G5" || ostrze.value == "G6" || ostrze.value == "G7" || ostrze.value == "G8" || ostrze.value == "G9" || ostrze.value == "G10" || ostrze.value == "P" ) {
if (ostrze.value == "1") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.05;
else if (ostrze.value == "2") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.06;
else if (ostrze.value == "3") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.08;
else if (ostrze.value == "4") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.1;
else if (ostrze.value == "5") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.12;
else if (ostrze.value == "6") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.14;
else if (ostrze.value == "7") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.16;
else if (ostrze.value == "8") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.18;
else if (ostrze.value == "9") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.2;
else if (ostrze.value == "10") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.22;
else if (ostrze.value == "11") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.24;
else if (ostrze.value == "12") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.26;
else if (ostrze.value == "13") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.28;
else if (ostrze.value == "14") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.3;
else if (ostrze.value == "15") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.32;
else if (ostrze.value == "16") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.34;
else if (ostrze.value == "17") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.36;
else if (ostrze.value == "18") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.38;
else if (ostrze.value == "19") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.4;
else if (ostrze.value == "20") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.5;
else if (ostrze.value == "M1") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.5;
else if (ostrze.value == "M2") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.52;
else if (ostrze.value == "M3") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.54;
else if (ostrze.value == "M4") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.56;
else if (ostrze.value == "M5") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.58;
else if (ostrze.value == "M6") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.6;
else if (ostrze.value == "M7") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.63;
else if (ostrze.value == "M8") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.66;
else if (ostrze.value == "M9") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.69;
else if (ostrze.value == "M10") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.72;
else if (ostrze.value == "G1") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.82;
else if (ostrze.value == "G2") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.85;
else if (ostrze.value == "G3") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.88;
else if (ostrze.value == "G4") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.91;
else if (ostrze.value == "G5") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.94;
else if (ostrze.value == "G6") {
var ostrzePoint = 0.98;
else if (ostrze.value == "G7") {
var ostrzePoint = 1.02;
else if (ostrze.value == "G8") {
var ostrzePoint = 1.06;
else if (ostrze.value == "G9") {
var ostrzePoint = 1.1;
else if (ostrze.value == "G10") {
var ostrzePoint = 1.15;
else if (ostrze.value == "P") {
var ostrzePoint = 1.25;
var ostrzeWynik = '<tr><td><a href=" Ostrze">Czarowane Ostrze</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.round(((3*parseInt(int.value)+2*parseInt(level.value)) * ostrzePoint)*10)/10 + '<br>Złodziej życia ' + Math.floor(10 * ostrzePoint) + '% obrażeń</td><td>' + Math.floor(50+(100 * ostrzePoint)) + '</td><td>-</td><td>' + Math.floor(20+(240 * ostrzePoint)) + '<br>' + Math.floor(2+(23 * ostrzePoint)) + '/1s</td></tr>';
else {
var ostrzeWynik = "<tr><td>Czarowane Ostrze</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?<br>Złodziej życia ?% obrażeń</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var zbroja = document.getElementById('zbroja');
if((zbroja.value >= 1 && zbroja.value <= 20) || zbroja.value == "M1" || zbroja.value == "M2" || zbroja.value == "M3" || zbroja.value == "M4" || zbroja.value == "M5" || zbroja.value == "M6" || zbroja.value == "M7" || zbroja.value == "M8" || zbroja.value == "M9" || zbroja.value == "M10" || zbroja.value == "G1" || zbroja.value == "G2" || zbroja.value == "G3" || zbroja.value == "G4" || zbroja.value == "G5" || zbroja.value == "G6" || zbroja.value == "G7" || zbroja.value == "G8" || zbroja.value == "G9" || zbroja.value == "G10" || zbroja.value == "P" ) {
if (zbroja.value == "1") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.05;
else if (zbroja.value == "2") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.06;
else if (zbroja.value == "3") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.08;
else if (zbroja.value == "4") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.1;
else if (zbroja.value == "5") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.12;
else if (zbroja.value == "6") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.14;
else if (zbroja.value == "7") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.16;
else if (zbroja.value == "8") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.18;
else if (zbroja.value == "9") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.2;
else if (zbroja.value == "10") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.22;
else if (zbroja.value == "11") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.24;
else if (zbroja.value == "12") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.26;
else if (zbroja.value == "13") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.28;
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var zbrojaPoint = 0.3;
else if (zbroja.value == "15") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.32;
else if (zbroja.value == "16") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.34;
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var zbrojaPoint = 0.36;
else if (zbroja.value == "18") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.38;
else if (zbroja.value == "19") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.4;
else if (zbroja.value == "20") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.5;
else if (zbroja.value == "M1") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.5;
else if (zbroja.value == "M2") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.52;
else if (zbroja.value == "M3") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.54;
else if (zbroja.value == "M4") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.56;
else if (zbroja.value == "M5") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.58;
else if (zbroja.value == "M6") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.6;
else if (zbroja.value == "M7") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.63;
else if (zbroja.value == "M8") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.66;
else if (zbroja.value == "M9") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.69;
else if (zbroja.value == "M10") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.72;
else if (zbroja.value == "G1") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.82;
else if (zbroja.value == "G2") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.85;
else if (zbroja.value == "G3") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.88;
else if (zbroja.value == "G4") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.91;
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var zbrojaPoint = 0.94;
else if (zbroja.value == "G6") {
var zbrojaPoint = 0.98;
else if (zbroja.value == "G7") {
var zbrojaPoint = 1.02;
else if (zbroja.value == "G8") {
var zbrojaPoint = 1.06;
else if (zbroja.value == "G9") {
var zbrojaPoint = 1.1;
else if (zbroja.value == "G10") {
var zbrojaPoint = 1.15;
else if (zbroja.value == "P") {
var zbrojaPoint = 1.25;
var zbrojaWynik = '<tr><td><a href=" Zbroja">Czarowana Zbroja</a></td><td>Obrona: +' + Math.floor((parseInt(int.value)+30)* zbrojaPoint) + '<br>Odbicie ataku fizycznego: ' + Math.floor((parseInt(int.value)/4+10)* zbrojaPoint) + '%</td><td>' + Math.floor(30 + (120 * zbrojaPoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(33 + (140 * zbrojaPoint)) + 's</td><td>' + Math.floor(70 + (170 * zbrojaPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var zbrojaWynik = "<tr><td>Czarowana Zbroja</td><td>Obrona: +?<br>Odbicie ataku fizycznego: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var rozproszenie = document.getElementById('rozproszenie');
if((rozproszenie.value >= 1 && rozproszenie.value <= 20) || rozproszenie.value == "M1" || rozproszenie.value == "M2" || rozproszenie.value == "M3" || rozproszenie.value == "M4" || rozproszenie.value == "M5" || rozproszenie.value == "M6" || rozproszenie.value == "M7" || rozproszenie.value == "M8" || rozproszenie.value == "M9" || rozproszenie.value == "M10" || rozproszenie.value == "G1" || rozproszenie.value == "G2" || rozproszenie.value == "G3" || rozproszenie.value == "G4" || rozproszenie.value == "G5" || rozproszenie.value == "G6" || rozproszenie.value == "G7" || rozproszenie.value == "G8" || rozproszenie.value == "G9" || rozproszenie.value == "G10" || rozproszenie.value == "P" ) {
if (rozproszenie.value == "1") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.05;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.06;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "3") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.08;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.1;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.12;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.14;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.16;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.18;
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var rozproszeniePoint = 0.2;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "10") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.22;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "11") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.24;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "12") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.26;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "13") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.28;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "14") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.3;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "15") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.32;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "16") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.34;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "17") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.36;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "18") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.38;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "19") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.4;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "20") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.5;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M1") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.5;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M2") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.52;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M3") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.54;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M4") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.56;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M5") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.58;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M6") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.6;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M7") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.63;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M8") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.66;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M9") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.69;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "M10") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.72;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G1") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.82;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G2") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.85;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G3") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.88;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G4") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.91;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G5") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.94;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G6") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 0.98;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G7") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 1.02;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G8") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 1.06;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G9") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 1.1;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "G10") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 1.15;
else if (rozproszenie.value == "P") {
var rozproszeniePoint = 1.25;
var rozproszenieWynik = '<tr><td><a href=" Magii">Rozproszenie Magii</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(min.value) + (2*parseInt(min.value) + 2*parseInt(zre.value) + 2*parseInt(wit.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value))*rozproszeniePoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(max.value) + (2*parseInt(max.value) + 2*parseInt(zre.value) + 2*parseInt(wit.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value))*rozproszeniePoint) + '<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ' + Math.floor((100 + 1000 * rozproszeniePoint/6)/10) + '%</td><td>-</td><td>25s</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (140 * rozproszeniePoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var rozproszenieWynik = "<tr><td>Rozproszenie Magii</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var smoczy = document.getElementById('smoczy');
if((smoczy.value >= 1 && smoczy.value <= 20) || smoczy.value == "M1" || smoczy.value == "M2" || smoczy.value == "M3" || smoczy.value == "M4" || smoczy.value == "M5" || smoczy.value == "M6" || smoczy.value == "M7" || smoczy.value == "M8" || smoczy.value == "M9" || smoczy.value == "M10" || smoczy.value == "G1" || smoczy.value == "G2" || smoczy.value == "G3" || smoczy.value == "G4" || smoczy.value == "G5" || smoczy.value == "G6" || smoczy.value == "G7" || smoczy.value == "G8" || smoczy.value == "G9" || smoczy.value == "G10" || smoczy.value == "P" ) {
if (smoczy.value == "1") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.05;
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var smoczyPoint = 0.06;
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var smoczyPoint = 0.08;
else if (smoczy.value == "4") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.1;
else if (smoczy.value == "5") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.12;
else if (smoczy.value == "6") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.14;
else if (smoczy.value == "7") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.16;
else if (smoczy.value == "8") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.18;
else if (smoczy.value == "9") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.2;
else if (smoczy.value == "10") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.22;
else if (smoczy.value == "11") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.24;
else if (smoczy.value == "12") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.26;
else if (smoczy.value == "13") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.28;
else if (smoczy.value == "14") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.3;
else if (smoczy.value == "15") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.32;
else if (smoczy.value == "16") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.34;
else if (smoczy.value == "17") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.36;
else if (smoczy.value == "18") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.38;
else if (smoczy.value == "19") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.4;
else if (smoczy.value == "20") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.5;
else if (smoczy.value == "M1") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.5;
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var smoczyPoint = 0.52;
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var smoczyPoint = 0.54;
else if (smoczy.value == "M4") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.56;
else if (smoczy.value == "M5") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.58;
else if (smoczy.value == "M6") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.6;
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var smoczyPoint = 0.63;
else if (smoczy.value == "M8") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.66;
else if (smoczy.value == "M9") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.69;
else if (smoczy.value == "M10") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.72;
else if (smoczy.value == "G1") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.82;
else if (smoczy.value == "G2") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.85;
else if (smoczy.value == "G3") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.88;
else if (smoczy.value == "G4") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.91;
else if (smoczy.value == "G5") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.94;
else if (smoczy.value == "G6") {
var smoczyPoint = 0.98;
else if (smoczy.value == "G7") {
var smoczyPoint = 1.02;
else if (smoczy.value == "G8") {
var smoczyPoint = 1.06;
else if (smoczy.value == "G9") {
var smoczyPoint = 1.1;
else if (smoczy.value == "G10") {
var smoczyPoint = 1.15;
else if (smoczy.value == "P") {
var smoczyPoint = 1.25;
var smoczyWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Smoczy Wir</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(min.value) + (parseInt(min.value) + parseInt(zre.value)*3 + parseInt(sila.value)*5 + parseInt(wit.value))*smoczyPoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2*parseInt(max.value) + (parseInt(max.value) + parseInt(zre.value)*3 + parseInt(sila.value)*5 + parseInt(wit.value))*smoczyPoint) + '<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ' + Math.floor((100+smoczyPoint*1000/6)/10) + '%</td><td>-</td><td>20s</td><td>' + Math.floor(40 + (120 * smoczyPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var smoczyWynik = "<tr><td>Smoczy Wir</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?<br>Szansa na omdlenie: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var strach = document.getElementById('strach');
if((strach.value >= 1 && strach.value <= 20) || strach.value == "M1" || strach.value == "M2" || strach.value == "M3" || strach.value == "M4" || strach.value == "M5" || strach.value == "M6" || strach.value == "M7" || strach.value == "M8" || strach.value == "M9" || strach.value == "M10" || strach.value == "G1" || strach.value == "G2" || strach.value == "G3" || strach.value == "G4" || strach.value == "G5" || strach.value == "G6" || strach.value == "G7" || strach.value == "G8" || strach.value == "G9" || strach.value == "G10" || strach.value == "P" ) {
if (strach.value == "1") {
var strachPoint = 0.05;
else if (strach.value == "2") {
var strachPoint = 0.06;
else if (strach.value == "3") {
var strachPoint = 0.08;
else if (strach.value == "4") {
var strachPoint = 0.1;
else if (strach.value == "5") {
var strachPoint = 0.12;
else if (strach.value == "6") {
var strachPoint = 0.14;
else if (strach.value == "7") {
var strachPoint = 0.16;
else if (strach.value == "8") {
var strachPoint = 0.18;
else if (strach.value == "9") {
var strachPoint = 0.2;
else if (strach.value == "10") {
var strachPoint = 0.22;
else if (strach.value == "11") {
var strachPoint = 0.24;
else if (strach.value == "12") {
var strachPoint = 0.26;
else if (strach.value == "13") {
var strachPoint = 0.28;
else if (strach.value == "14") {
var strachPoint = 0.3;
else if (strach.value == "15") {
var strachPoint = 0.32;
else if (strach.value == "16") {
var strachPoint = 0.34;
else if (strach.value == "17") {
var strachPoint = 0.36;
else if (strach.value == "18") {
var strachPoint = 0.38;
else if (strach.value == "19") {
var strachPoint = 0.4;
else if (strach.value == "20") {
var strachPoint = 0.5;
else if (strach.value == "M1") {
var strachPoint = 0.5;
else if (strach.value == "M2") {
var strachPoint = 0.52;
else if (strach.value == "M3") {
var strachPoint = 0.54;
else if (strach.value == "M4") {
var strachPoint = 0.56;
else if (strach.value == "M5") {
var strachPoint = 0.58;
else if (strach.value == "M6") {
var strachPoint = 0.6;
else if (strach.value == "M7") {
var strachPoint = 0.63;
else if (strach.value == "M8") {
var strachPoint = 0.66;
else if (strach.value == "M9") {
var strachPoint = 0.69;
else if (strach.value == "M10") {
var strachPoint = 0.72;
else if (strach.value == "G1") {
var strachPoint = 0.82;
else if (strach.value == "G2") {
var strachPoint = 0.85;
else if (strach.value == "G3") {
var strachPoint = 0.88;
else if (strach.value == "G4") {
var strachPoint = 0.91;
else if (strach.value == "G5") {
var strachPoint = 0.94;
else if (strach.value == "G6") {
var strachPoint = 0.98;
else if (strach.value == "G7") {
var strachPoint = 1.02;
else if (strach.value == "G8") {
var strachPoint = 1.06;
else if (strach.value == "G9") {
var strachPoint = 1.1;
else if (strach.value == "G10") {
var strachPoint = 1.15;
else if (strach.value == "P") {
var strachPoint = 1.25;
var strachWynik = '<tr><td><a href="">Strach</a></td><td>Siła Ataku: ' + Math.floor(2.3*parseInt(min.value) + (3*parseInt(min.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value) + 3*parseInt(wit.value))*strachPoint) + ' - ' + Math.floor(2.3*parseInt(max.value) + (3*parseInt(max.value) + 4*parseInt(sila.value) + 3*parseInt(wit.value))*strachPoint) + '</td><td>-</td><td>15s</td><td>' + Math.floor(60 + (150 * strachPoint)) + '</td></tr>';
else {
var strachWynik = "<tr><td>Strach</td><td>Siła Ataku: ?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td></tr>";
var uwaga = "<br><br><b>Uwaga! Podane wartości mogą się różnić od wartości podanych w grze</b>";
if(level.value != "" && min.value != "" && max.value != "" && sila.value != "" && wit.value != "" && zre.value != "")
		document.getElementById("skillwp").innerHTML ='<table border="1"><tr><td>Nazwa</td><td>Efekt</td><td>Czas Trwania</td><td>Czas Ładowania</td><td>Koszt PE</td></tr>' + ostrzeWynik + zbrojaWynik + rozproszenieWynik + smoczyWynik + strachWynik + '</table>' + uwaga
		document.getElementById("skillwp").innerHTML ="Czarowane Ostrze: ?<br>Czarowana Zbroja: ?<br>Rozproszenie Magii: ?<br>Smoczy Wir: ?<br>Strach: ?" + uwaga	
// Kalkulator